On my cycle ride: northeast Minneapolis industrial profiles.
Category: Move
’Flu Pandemic Orphanage
Explored North Minneapolis by bicycle using a map I’d plotted showing points of interest. This building became an orphanage in January 1919. Some of the first children to stay here had lost both parents in the ‘flu pandemic.
Holding on Tight
Held on tightly to the brakes as I negotiated a steep gradient to a path that took me along the river towards Downtown.
Social Distance Enforcer
Realized my bike can be used as a social distance enforcer.
Lake of the Isles (Again)
Walked around Lake of the Isles.
Caught glimpses of the Mississippi below through cracks and gaps as I wheeled my bicycle across the bridge. The railroad company had installed a steel grid walkway for their workers over rotting and missing boards. A sign that once stated “No Trespassing” exuded lawlessness.
Cannon Valley Trail
Cycled on a rail trail beside the Cannon River, south of the Twin Cities.
Pondering a Wall
I like to pause at this wall when I’m out for a cycle ride. For all the modifications over the years, it conveys a sense orderliness and stability. Like an abstract painting of geometric shapes, I find it calming. The Minneapolis Water Department still operates out of this site.
Emoji Convention
On our walk: in place of friends and family, emojis gathered to celebrate a graduate.
Cappuccinos by a Lake
Locked up our bikes, sipped cappuccinos, looked out at Lake Harriet framed by the back wall of the bandshell stage.