It’s still March, but dry and warm enough for this fair-weather cyclist to hit the trails with a friend. I love the variety of textures at this viewpoint.
Category: Move
Unnaturally Clean Bike
Picked up my unnaturally clean bike, resplendent with new parts, from Freewheel Bike. Took it for a spin.
School of Bartending
Walked as far as the Minnesota School of Bartending. Learned that in this time of Covid, it’s holding one-on-one classes. Rode the rails back.
30,000 Miles
Winter was receding as we walked around Lake of the Isles. When we lived in this neighborhood, I, along with other regulars, jogged or walked this lake almost every day. Over the decades that added up to something like 30,000 miles.
Avoided another trip… …to the emergency room. (There were no cones.)
Doing it Right
Walked across Interstate 35W on a new pedestrian bridge (5th St SE, Minneapolis). Unlike the bridge I crossed a couple days ago in St. Paul’s Union Park District, this is wide enough for pedestrians and cyclists, has lighting, and the bridge and approach
Wheeled my bicycle over to Freewheel for a service. So many worn parts are being replaced, it’ll practically be a new bike.
Without People
Walked through almost deserted skyways and tunnels in downtown Minneapolis. Stopped for an Americano and pastry in a comfortable place I haven’t visited in over a year. Looked forward to a time these places will be bustling again and commerce will be in full swing.
Added stair-climbing to my daily routine. I’ll not be walking outdoors for at least another week: concussions need time.
Found a cure for exercycle boredom: a TV drama series, made in Japan, set in an industrial Hokkaido town. It snows a lot, people get murdered, and the protagonist, manga-style, periodically gets sent back in time to put things right. The cliffhangers bring me back. Deep.