On my Downtown walk snow was being transported to a melting machine. This method decreases carbon emissions by minimizing the use of trucks and driving distances. I appreciate not having to climb over piles of snow.
Category: Move
After the Rains
A stream bed had come to life, cutting short our short walk. Recent rains have made any trail that crosses an arroyo (a normally dry creek) suspect. We backtracked and drove back into town to share a grilled cheese sandwich washed down with IPA.
Hiked the South Lykken Trail. Up high, snow was sticking around; on the trail, temperatures were in the 60’s. For some reason, The Flintstones Theme became an earworm. The topography surely provided inspiration for Desert Modernism and the fictional town of Bedrock.
Coachella Valley
Hiked trails above Palm Springs. The weather is returning to seasonal normal, so we wore shorts and no jackets. The recent rains have temporarily greened up the desert.
Morning Walk
My morning walk took me past former homes of Cary Grant, Bob Hope (photo shows service entrance), and Steve McQueen. I also walked into a Walgreens pharmacy hidden inside a clinic and a donut shop with almost no donuts.
Being in the Moment
As we walked, we had to remind ourselves to stop and take in our surroundings. It was like walking through a vast botanical garden. Clouds were coming in, which will bring a drop in temperatures and maybe some rain for a few days.
Frozen Mississippi
On my walk, crossed a frozen Mississippi. The University of Minnesota East and West Bank campuses are directly behind me.
The Gopher Way
Emerged from The Gopher Way, a system of tunnels and skyways at the University of Minnesota.
Resistance was Futile
Walked with friends towards donuts.
Imaginary Airport
On my Skyway walk, I imagined I was in an airport heading for a warm-weather destination. Here, in Hennepin County Government Center, monitors direct individuals to court-related rooms. Security screening is just around the corner.