Rest day on a bicycle

Dwight went for a jog, I went for a bicycle meander, stopping for coffee and picking up groceries along the way. After yesterday’s somewhat arduous hilly hike, this felt like a rest day.

Indian Canyons hike

Hiked a loop formed from three trails, ascending through desert landscapes and descending into canyons where water sources support thriving California fan palms. The land we walked on belongs to the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians which maintains the land and charges a small entry fee.

A day of unexpected steps

I thought I hadn’t gone for a walk today. I’d just gone about my day: coffee with friends, my monthly labs for the clinical study, and picking up ice cream for Sausage Saturday. Then I glanced at my watch and realized I had gone for a walk! (The fire symbol indicates calories burned.)

Categorized as Walk

Getting my shots

It was almost balmy weather for January in Minnesota (in the thirties) as I walked to the University for a consultation and medication top-ups (injections). With temperatures expected to drop below zero for the next few days, I’m anticipating a period of hibernation. This appointment was therefore well timed.

MoA Post-Holiday Walk

As the last remnants of Christmas were being packed away, my friend and I navigated three labyrinthine floors of the Mall of America. Our only purchase was coffee and pastries in a cafe operated by a credit card company.


We’ve declared this a shut-in weekend while the cold weather continues. We both took advantage of the workout room downstairs, and Dwight started reorganizing the plants, preparing for our escape to a warmer climate (even though it’s still a month away).


When I took this picture at sunrise, the outside beckoned, but the ‘feels like’ temperature was -6°F. Dwight and I agree the ‘feels like’ temperature scale should be adjusted for age: for us, it feels closer to a bone-chilling -20°F. I used to jog in this weather, but today, I’m opting for a Skyway walk.

Needs Must

When I woke up, it was a frigid 6°F outside. There was no way I was going outside today. To get some exercise, I spent 45 minutes on an exercycle in the workout room. It’s Sausage Saturday, but we’re missing the main ingredients: sausages and ice cream. Instead of sausage, I’ll make chicken pot pie using chicken from the freezer. And instead of ice cream, Dwight baked apple crumble, which is cooling now.

Categorized as Cook, Move