No Adult Literacy Services Here

Wrote to each Hennepin County Commissioner asking them to right a wrong. The $67 million (annual budget) county public library system no longer provides GED and ESL adult literacy services. Recent immigrants have lost an important step-up in life, and I now need to go elsewhere for expert assistance with tutoring. Franklin Learning Center (Minneapolis)… Continue reading No Adult Literacy Services Here


I started, um, hiding certain magazines behind other magazines. Then I realized I was being watched.

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Debunked Lies

Congratulations Senga, my invisible friend and motormouth. Her Tweet, debunking wealthy pillow magnate and conspiracy theorist, Mike Lindell’s claim he was assaulted, has been viewed over 32,000 times. She got the tipoff about the presser when she phoned the police public liaison officer in Sioux Falls, SD.

Categorized as Resist

Standing up to Pillow Guy

No time to post today. Having way too much fun following my, er, nemesis, Senga Oberon ⁦@OberonSenga⁩ helping people back to the light

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Theater of the Absurd

For some unknown reason, which I will speculate about later in this post, fragments of an absurd dialog from a play have been floating around in my head. I plugged those fragments into Google and was delighted to find the script of a play I saw in the late 1960’s. Mrs. Martin: In the street,… Continue reading Theater of the Absurd

Keeping the Faith Through the Arts

During the last four years, while some in power denied basic, decent human values, the Arts have helped me keep the faith. Here’s some examples from my microblog.

Short Presidency, Short Street

Included NE Harrison Street on today’s walk, named after the American President who spent the shortest time in office (31 days). Hoping a new record is established between now and noon on January 20.

Categorized as Resist