Signs of Hope

While Dwight was having his hair cut, wandered around the campus of Macalester College. Saw signs of hope that today’s young people might be better stewards of the planet than my generation. Notable alumni like Kofi Annan and Walter Mondale did their part.

Our History

On my cycle ride, stopped at Sheridan Memorial Park which has a plaque for each of our wars. I appreciate how the plaques don’t whitewash or romanticize war. Minnesota’s US-Dakota War of 1862 is a case in point. Click through for more…

Expanding Horizons

After working through Reasoning through Language Arts exercises with women from Somalia and Iraq, walked to Seward Co-op for a spicy Ethiopian lunch. Cooled off with a slice of Mexican tres leches cake. Back home, made a cup of English tea, a blend from India, Ceylon and Kenya.

Buying Just Enough

We spend the majority of our grocery dollars here at Wedge Co-op. Their bulk section is wonderful: today I bought about an ounce of black peppercorns and just enough peanut butter cups to chop into a fro-yo treat I’m making for Sausage Saturday.

A Blank Canvas

On a cycle ride up one side of the Mississippi to I694, then down the other side: a new riverside park, Graco Park, was taking shape. By many metrics, Minneapolis has one of the best park systems in the nation, helped by property tax levies ($79 million in 2023). We call it our country club.

On Being Agreeable

For two days, with my accent, I’ve avoided the inevitable conversation. At the supermarket I used self-checkout, but a kind employee appeared with an extra bag for chicken thighs; the conversation was inevitable. Kant concluded lying is never OK. Today, I concluded differently. (The UK’s Queen had died two days previously.)

Categorized as Resist

Once-a-Year Cake

Marzipan, cream, sponge, raspberry jam, the magical appearance of my once-a-year cake (thanks Dwight), another year to own my age.