The Ministry

((Archive picture, 33 things you only know if you’ve worked at ‘the Ministry’ for HMRC in Longbenton, ChronicleLive.)) The campus in this photograph became the main offices for a British government ministry in 1948. You could be forgiven for wondering if it was a prisoner-of-war camp, repurposed as The Ministry of Truth, The Ministry of…… Continue reading The Ministry

Paperless Valentine’s Day

Went paperless: pulled together photos from previous Valentine’s Days, including these cards from 2016, to display on our kitchen assistant.

A First

Bought a birthday card.

Categorized as Family

Better than Zoom

Got to see our nephews and their mom in Gold Medal Park, in person for the first time since February. No hugs, but it beats Zoom.

Video Happy Hour

Weekly family happy hour was about to begin using our sophisticated FaceTime videoconferencing system.

Categorized as Family