Toxic Waste

Dropped off toxic waste (fluorescent tubes) and other junk. Our basement is now safer/less unsafe.

Aerobic Shoveling

Walked round pLake of the Isles on un-plowed path, then aerobic shoveling. This exercised the body and cleared the mind.

Cold Walls

Thrill du jour: temperature inside our exterior walls right now. It has been a quiet day.

Preventing Frozen Pipes

Installed sensor to control pipe temperature when it’s really cold outside. It should prevent another frozen pipe.

Ice Dam

Today (hopefully) saved the roof: figured out a heat tape problem. Melt water is now flowing where I want it to flow.

Sifting Coriander

Lazy day. Watched Dwight sift coriander seeds from the garden. I’ll cook with them in January to remind us of summer.