Test Network Rig

Built a test rig for the network I’ll set up in our new home. Devices connected to the switch in this prototype include: Google Wifi (mesh), OBiTALK (Google Voice VoIP), and Internet of Things (Samsung SmartThings, and Philips Hue).

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Google Domains

Simplified my cyber life: transferred a bunch of Internet domains to Google Domains.

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Limits of Technology

Welcomed Google Assistant into our home. Me: OK Google, cook dinner. The Google: Sorry, I can’t help you with that.

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Updating PC’s

Drippy weather + sprained leg = a good day to slow down and update our PC’s.

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Fiber to the Basement

Signed up for fiber to the home: half the price of DSL or cable. Local service provider, no teaser rates or bundling.

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Pure, Dumb Luck

Used a low-tech solution to bring an ancient CPU back to life: a blast of air at the connectors. Pure, dumb luck.

Categorized as IT