Turning on a Dime

Climbed above Palm Springs through a desert that had become a meadow. Sprained a knee, leading to an excruciating descent and a knee brace at Eisenhower Urgent Care. Rest is advised for a week, which is a bit like flying Delta One; Dwight reminded me he’s here for my safety.


Today I sound like a glum Harvey Fierstein, low energy, raspy throat. Grateful it’s only a cold, my first in over 2½ years: Covid tests were negative. It hurts to postpone getting with friends and fulfilling commitments, but it’s a day for lolling on the couch.

Simple Fix

Until today I’ve been putting up with a sharp, intense pain in my lower thumb, assuming it was arthritis. Today a physical therapist used her hands to apply a technique called positioned myofascial release to a muscle in my thumb, and the pain has gone. I’m amazed and grateful.