Maintaining Balance

It was a drippy morning, so a walk was in order. I stopped for coffee at Downtown’s Spyhouse, a place I usually associate with winter. At various points today, including while sipping my coffee, I continued my research on bicycle balance. So far, I’ve seen enough convincing evidence that a bicycle can maintain equilibrium without… Continue reading Maintaining Balance

Categorized as Research


This morning I learned TikTok users had trolled last night’s political rally in Tulsa. So, I signed up for TikTok to try and understand what this is all about. I “created” my first TikTok video, and am none the wiser.

Processing Taconite

Enjoyed a mid-morning coffee at the University of Minnesota. The steel balls under the glass tabletop once crushed taconite into fine sand. Huge magnets then separated out high-grade ore. The process, developed at the U of M, established Minnesota’s Iron Range.