Stopped for coffee, resisted a waffle, at Black Coffee and Waffle Bar near the University of Minnesota East Bank Campus. Couldn’t decide if the back of the bathroom door was graffiti or art. Decided I was overthinking.
Category: Arts
Theater Night
Walked over to the Guthrie for “Sweat.” Angry workers in a bar as their factory succumbed to the inevitable pressures of NAFTA in the early days of the 21st century.
Minnesota Orchestra tonight. Enjoyed our usual pre-show wine in the upper bar which had been set up as a piano lounge. At this point most people were outside listening to a rock group. At our usual seats in Orchestra Hall, found ourselves next to the just-announced music director, Thomas Søndergård, and his husband. Pretended not…… Continue reading Boundaries
Bike, Art, Lunch
Cycled, then stopped for a bit of art and lunch at the Walker. Revisited the Hockney exhibit, where I was reminded he’s much more than gorgeous Los Angeles swimming pool pix. Over his career he’s worked many forms, including stage set design. This large-scale model was for a provocatively titled opera, Les Mamelles de Tirésias.
Mystical Journey
I sometimes point my bike through this yard where sculptors work. I like the accidental sunlight flare on the lens creating a mystical water effect at the bottom. Continued my ride while imagining interpretations of the sculpture, not knowing if it was unfinished.
Kids with Swords
On our walk: kids with steel swords. They’re attending summer school at the Guthrie Theater.
Back to the Fifties
Walked over to Theatre in the Round for “Perfect Arrangement.” Set in 1950, sham marriages, State Department witch hunts against LGBTQ people and “moral turpitude.” I fear people who want America to be like this again.
When Doves Cry
Meandered through Minneapolis on my bike. Got a sneak preview of a new Prince mural that “will be unveiled at a Purple Block Party” tonight.
Uncomfortable Art
The setup tonight at Orchestra Hall for the Minnesota Orchestra and a 90-voice choir. It’ll take time to process a piece written in 2015: “Seven Last Words of the Unarmed,” the last words of seven Black men who were killed by authority figures.
Shut Off Your Phone
Capped off the day with a short concert by the Minnesota Orchestra. Here, they’re warming up, and the “shut off your cell phone announcement” has yet to be made.