Travel Gear: Hiking Pants

As I was stretching, clambering, grappling over rocks in Kirishima National Park, I replayed in my head the most recent encounter with a fellow hiker. The woman had made the usual greeting, then a look of dissonance flashed across her face. I’d seen that look before when I’ve thoughtlessly put a shoe on tatami, or…… Continue reading Travel Gear: Hiking Pants

Insufficient Reality

Every hotel room in Hawaii has a book or brochure pushing Hawaii as something to consume. Many first-time visitors are doomed to be unfulfilled by the activities they are seduced into buying.The experience depicted at the top of this post is dangerous and illegal: volcanic gases and Federal law get in the way. The real…… Continue reading Insufficient Reality

Long Hauls, Cheap Tix

Tomorrow, Monday, I get on a plane.I’ve been getting on a plane several Mondays in January and February. A plane to take me to work in Portland, Oregon.This Monday is no exception, except this time I’m flying on a one-way ticket. I’ll work for my client for the last time, then cross the Pacific to…… Continue reading Long Hauls, Cheap Tix

Seeking Order in a Chaotic World

A few books linger on my office bookshelves.I’ve tossed many of my business books into the recycling bin, including unread 1980’s editions of In Search of Excellence. Managers passed out copies, and it would have been impolite to decline.In the absence of competent leadership, it seemed futile to spend time reading a book about leadership.…… Continue reading Seeking Order in a Chaotic World

DV: Delta (Airlines) Volente

DV is usually taken to mean “Deo Volente, God willing.” It’s a great excuse to avoid personal responsibility, as in, “I’ll met you at 6:30, God willing.” Or, more precisely, “If the road is congested, it’s not my fault if I’m late.”I’ve been happy with Delta Airline’s MSP-PDX on-time performance while traveling that city pair…… Continue reading DV: Delta (Airlines) Volente