

Monasteries on Rocks

Oct 5, 2014
“It’s a good trail.” I could tell from the young woman’s hiking boots and glowing expression it would, indeed, be a good trail. I gratefully accepted the walking stick (tree limb) her companion was ready to discard as they left the trail. I clambered over rocks and headed away from the idling tour buses. A… Continue reading Monasteries on Rocks

Views from a Rooftop Bar

Oct 2, 2014
“Great view.” I kept looking at the Acropolis. Then I realized I was being spoken to. I turned around to see a man in his 70’s. I muttered something in agreement. Hearing my accent he started a “Your Country” routine about British politics. “Wrong country,” I interrupted. Once he determined my actual citizenship he started… Continue reading Views from a Rooftop Bar

My Long Journey to Ireland

Sep 26, 2014
I disliked history classes at my high school in Newcastle upon Tyne, England. The focus on studying for examinations did not fit my learning style. The teaching style often reflected the teacher’s lack of interest in teaching. To be fair, I did not then have the life experiences to sufficiently understand the nuances of how… Continue reading My Long Journey to Ireland

Ireland by Numbers

Sep 22, 2014
Today we reluctantly leave Ireland: Dwight heads back to Minneapolis, and I continue my travels for a little longer. 18: # days in Ireland It never rained, not once. 0: # days it rained 0: # days I wore a jacket And it was warm. We walked almost every day. 150: # miles walked (approximately)… Continue reading Ireland by Numbers

Independent Scots

Sep 16, 2014
She stands resolutely in front of her home in the “mucky wee port” of Port Glasgow, Scotland. My Aunt Madge, helmet and gas mask at the ready, standing against the Nazi threat. The threat was real. Bombs rained down on the nearby shipyards, and on British, American, and Free French bases. My mother and aunt… Continue reading Independent Scots

Sheep’s Head Way

Sep 8, 2014
I like to hike in peace. Consequently, today, we find ourselves hiking the Sheep’s Head Way  along “a peaceful, unspoilt peninsula” in a remote southwest corner of Ireland If I Google “Sheep’s Head Way” I get 14,500 results. If I Google “Giant’s Causeway” I get 3.8 million results. We’ll give The Giant’s Causeway, the Blarney Stone,… Continue reading Sheep’s Head Way

Travel Gear: Rain Jacket

Aug 26, 2014
The rain was torrential. “You look funny” commented some miserable-looking middle-aged woman as she stumbled towards us on the Wainwright Coast-to-Coast hike across England. I gurgled something to show I was glad I had added to her happiness on that grey day. I suspected this was her first and last long distance walk. We certainly looked… Continue reading Travel Gear: Rain Jacket

Our State Fair

Aug 22, 2014
The Minnesota State Fair is a big deal. It runs for 10 days through Labor Day with a total attendance around 1.8 million. This morning, I was one of those attendees. I’m not one for crowds, or food on a stick, or animal competitions. But I do like to drop in on the Fair every… Continue reading Our State Fair